Why WordPress to Google Sites?

WordPress has long been a popular choice for creating and managing websites, however Google Sites offers a compelling alternative that may better suit the needs of certain users. Here, we explore the key benefits of converting your WordPress website to Google Sites, as well as some of the trade-offs to consider.

WordPress is brilliant software

Don't get me wrong, I've used WordPress to develop websites since the early 2000's. Got some great results and built a business doing it. However, I was never really building mahoosive websites so it felt like overkill much of the time. And the maintenance overhead of updating plugins, reviewing performance, malware etc just made it more trouble than it was worth for the customer base I was targetting. So I looked for something simpler, less time consuming that just worked.

Wix, not good enough. Squarespace, just couldn't get on. Duda, well, there was just something amateurish about the UI that I just didn't like. I also wasn't keen on the Saas approach of these three products and that ultimately, my customers code is on 'my bit' of the infrastructure. Like WordPress, I wanted something that would allow me do develop a site, hand it over to the customer, and be done with it. Enter Google Sites!

Some of the key benefits of using Google Sites

There are some real humdinger reasons why you should seriously consider using Google Sites. It won't suit everyone, but in my experience these are the crunch questions ask yourself whether Google Sites could be perfect for you. Need a second opinion? Speak to me. 🗣️

It's really easy to use

Google Sites is renowned for its user-friendly interface, which makes website creation and management a breeze, even for those with limited technical skills. The drag-and-drop functionality allows you to easily add and arrange content, making it an ideal choice for small businesses, educators, and individuals looking for a straightforward website solution.

Seamless integration with Google Workspace

One of the standout features of Google Sites is its seamless integration with Google Workspace (formerly G Suite). This allows you to effortlessly embed Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, Forms, and other Workspace tools directly into your website. For organisations already using Google Workspace, this integration enhances productivity and streamlines workflow.

It's cost effective. (Like, it's free!)

Google Sites is free to use with a Google account, making it a cost-effective option for individuals and small businesses on a tight budget. Unlike WordPress, which may require paid themes, plugins, and hosting, Google Sites offers a no-cost solution without hidden expenses.

Built in security and hosting

With Google Sites, you benefit from Google’s robust security infrastructure. Your site is automatically protected against common threats, and you don’t need to worry about hosting, as Google Sites provides reliable and secure hosting for free.

It's self contained

By this I mean it sits in your GDrive. I can build a site, share it with you, and we can both access and edit it. No problem if you want me to maintain your site. Want to hand it over completely? No problem, remove my access and it's all yours.

Responsive by default

Google Sites ensures that your website looks great on any device. The responsive design adapts to different screen sizes, providing a consistent and user-friendly experience for visitors, whether they’re on a desktop, tablet, or smartphone.

A few things to consider when using Google Sites

Limited customisation options

While Google Sites is easy to use, it lacks the extensive customisation options available in WordPress. Advanced users may find the design and functionality limitations restrictive, as Google Sites does not support third-party plugins or advanced coding customisation.

Basic SEO

Google Sites offers basic SEO capabilities, but it doesn’t match the advanced SEO tools and plugins available with WordPress. If search engine optimization is a critical component of your online strategy, WordPress may offer more comprehensive solutions.

Lack of CMS (Content Management System)

Google Sites does not have built-in blogging functionality, which is a core feature of WordPress. If blogging is an essential part of your website strategy, WordPress’s robust blogging platform and features might be more suitable.